Mad Men Wiki

Hi everyone,

I'm Annette from Wikia, and I'm working on a fun program upcoming around designing the ultimate Mad Men Cocktail Party menu.

Here's the idea:

  • Wikia would create a post that asks users from around Wikia to nominate their favorite cocktails in four categories and one hors d'oeuvres item. 
  • We post the recipes for the cocktails and food in Top 10 lists, asking people to vote up the recipes they love most.
  • After voting closes, we on the Wikia staff will prepare the final menu of five items and then serve those drinks and dishes to Wikia's San Francisco office team! We promise to take photos. 
  • We'll also ask any Wikians who host their own party (particularly if you host a Finale party) to please their own photos! 

We're planning to launch this program on May 15th and wrap up the contest at the end of May. But we'd love to have help from you amazing people on the Mad Men Wiki!

1) First, we would love to hear your thoughts on hosting this here on Mad Men Wiki. In order to host it here, we would turn on Top 10 lists as a feature, which would then be open to all of you to enjoy as a feature ongoing.

2) Second, we would love your help in determining the menu categories. These are the ones we've brainstormed:

  • vodka
  • bourbon
  • whiskey
  • gin
  • brandy 
  • rum
  • champagne

Please comment below which FOUR of these categories you think are most iconically Mad Men, and if you think one is missing, please let us know that, too!

3) Finally, we'll be creating recipes at both the Recipes Wiki and the Cockails Wiki for the drinks and foods we include in our Top 10 lists. We're going to aim to include recipes that are of the CURRENT era for this season of Mad Men, and we'd love to hear your ideas of what dishes and drinks to include. Think about all the great drinks and parties you've seen so far this season, and drop those in the comments as well.

Thanks, and let us know what you think!
